Barstow Pageant Barstow Pageant


An Important Update



Barstow, CA – Since its founding in 1939 the Miss Barstow Pageant has always been managed by a nonprofit charitable organization.  In 2007 the Miss Barstow Pageant was incorporated as Miss Barstow Pageant, Inc. and subsequently received its IRS designation on 501c(4).  These steps were taken to ensure that the Miss Barstow Pageant remain a nonprofit, community based, charitable organization for the benefit of this community.

The Miss Barstow Pageant is stable and is current with all state and federal filing requirements.  Recently, a private party with past history with the organization has attempted to take control by making the false claim for trademark with the State of California.  This is currently under appeal, and will likely be reversed as the name, trademark, and existence has been in use since 1939 – and never under the management or direction of this individual.  Miss Barstow Pageant has also applied for and is likely to receive Federal trademark recognition with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  This appeal will be a long, expensive, and arduous process, made more difficult by COVID-19 and limitation on courts and official public services.

The Miss Barstow Pageant had to be canceled as it was originally scheduled, but all funds are held securely for the contestants who have already entered, and will go towards the pageant when we are able to hold it in 2021.

This entire situation is upsetting to those actively involved with the Miss Barstow Pageant.  Those involved with leadership and planning of each year’s event are always given the monumental task of staying on budget for expenses, and balancing scholarship awards.  The requirements of the contestants are rigorous and held to high standards to maintain the integrity of the Miss Barstow Pageant. We would love to award every contestant, but that is not possible.  Alas, we must always adhere to the rules of the Pageant, act in good faith, and be good stewards of any and all donations received. 

The Miss Barstow Pageant, Inc. has decided to handle this issue within the confines of the law and will seek any and all remedies afforded to rightful ownership and use of Trademark.  We will operate with discretion and honor as we seek legal recourse for any statements or claims made about or against this organization.

Finally, The Miss Barstow Pageant, Inc. is the only legally authorized entity currently recognized to use the title and trademark.  If you have any questions or further inquiries, please email .  This will be our only public statement until this issue is resolved through the proper channels.


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